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Louie Darang, Multimedia Artist

Ever since I've started painting and creating what I consider to be 'art', a lot of people have asked me "why?" and "how?". When I paint, I try to capture the essence of the moment I'm in. I try to create something that will elicit an emotional reaction from the viewer. The deconstruction of figures, scenes and objects are intentional to leave everything to the interpretation of the viewer. The less I show and the more I suggest and imply, the more I put into the hands of the individual viewer. The more ambigious the piece is (in my opinion), the more the viewer can put of themselves into the interpretation. Often, this interpretation dramatically differs from my personal feelings to any given piece. Where I see pain, others might see happiness. Where I express anger, others interpret peace.

During the creation process, I emotionally compromise myself to open that door that so many insist on keeping sealed shut. I let out all the pent up rage, depression, anxiety and insecurity and pour it onto the palette and onto the canvas. I generally don't plan works out (in fact, I try to avoid preplanning), as I feel that act of planning kills the spontanious energy that I seek in my pieces. I let the piece work itself out, making on-the-spot decisions on what I'll do next, what steps to take and what ideas I want to get across.

I don't create because I want to get famous, get rich or anything like that. I create because I have to. The catharsis I experience while creating is unlike anything I've ever felt, and I need that catharsis to survive.
In viewing my work, you are taking a revealing look into how I view this world of ours.

Welcome to my perception of our reality.

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